Monday, April 27, 2009

To Conserve or not to Conserve... Change Should be in Order.... Any Time Now Would Be Great

Violence is a growing issue in our society, there are many growing factors that contribute to these problems. in my opinion, one of the largest contributing factors to violence, is the ever decreasing age restrictions of certain movies, music, and video games. It get easier and easier every day for kids to just walk into a store and illegally purchase something that they're not old enough for, they can accomplish this mainly because distributors don't care, it's all about the money. Another vastly growing factor to violence recently it drug trafficking. most of the money that dealers receive are spent on themselves, mostly expensive weapons, the government doesn't really seem to realize how much power these people actually have. It seems that the government is completely oblivious to the positive benefits of legalizing marijuana, especially with toady's economy level. It seems that another legitimate factor is the lack of discipline of young parents. teen pregnancy/ unwanted pregnancy is growing as well recently, and unfortunately, a lot of teen parents are highly neglectful to their children, this comes back to bite them in the future when they haven't learned some of life's simple lessons. Lastly, it seems that religion is a growing factor as well, no so much in Canada as in the U.S. In the states, blacks are still being discriminated and being seen as a lesser person. The possibility of a U.S. civil war is strikingly possible in the near future.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

my super power

If i could choose any super power, obviously my first choice would be the ability to fly, i could have fun with that, it would be a lot easier to get around, and i wouldn't have to pay for gas, that would be kind of nice. another super power i would choose, would be the ability to make people stop talking. seriously, what is up with people that just blab on about nothing, its so annoying. my 3rd choice would be the ability to read peoples minds. That would be pretty useful in everyday life.